Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Book Nook

So, where do you enjoy reading the most? Indoors or outdoors? The comfy chair, the couch, or the bed? I've never had a specific place in my house for reading (although I wish I did). Unfortunately I don't have much time for reading during the day, so it is usually in bed before going to sleep. But occasionally I have curled up on the couch with a cozy blanket and nice cup of hot tea or hot chocolate. I have also been known to read while taking a relaxing!

Now lets say for a moment that I were to win the lottery. One of the first things I would do (after quitting my job of course) would be to build my dream home. One of the essential features to this home would be a library. And in that library would be that special space for reading. I've thought a nice comfy chair with good lighting and a table to put my drink within in arms reach would be just the ticket. Then Pinterest came along, and what I have seen there has completely blown my ideal reading spot right out the window. So, I decided every so often I would share some of the incredible reading spots I have found there, as well as other places on the web.

What would be your ideal reading area? And what do you think of this one? I'm picturing a window with a view instead of the back wall...

 (Found at  WORD for Teens)

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